How’s the Weather in Europe?

Today I would like to break down the weather conditions you may run into while on your vacation, and how to prepare for them.

The weather in Europe is not too much unlike The United States.  Take for instance the Northern countries like the United Kingdom and France, which have warm summer days and cool fall nights just like the northern portion of the United States. Italy, on the other hand, is further south and would be more on par with the southern states like Florida.  So, if you are traveling earlier in the year t-shirts, shorts, or a polo shirt will do for most occasions.  If you plan on traveling in late summer and into fall you may want to add a sweater and some long sleeves for the cooler evenings. 

Similar to France, northern Spain and Portugal also enjoy mild summer days, and often cool fall evenings, so a light jacket will definitely come in handy.  However, be sure to carry sunblock with you when traveling to southern Spain, which enjoys a very different climate from it's counterpart to the north.  Here, late spring all the way through early fall is known for scorching temperatures, so sunglasses and a hat are valuable accessories to have readily at hand.

If your adventures take you on the Heart of Europe Grand Tour spanning seven countries be prepared to experience every condition.  Starting in Holland and on to Germany this will be your more moderately cool temperatures. This is where t-shirts for some may be fine, and for others a long sleeve is needed.  Dressing in layers is usually a great idea, as it will allow you the most flexibility in varying temperatures.

Don’t take the weather for granted no matter what country you travel to, because if one thing is certain around the globe, it’s that the weather can always throw an unexpected curve ball.  Just as at home, a warm summer day could turn to stormy conditions, or a cold fall day could surprise us with a high in the 60’s or 70’s.                  

Be prepared and pack accordingly.  There may not be a need to take a full sized umbrella that takes up valuable space in your suitcase, and is cumbersome to carry around, but a poncho in your backpack as you enjoy the city will come in handy for an unexpected rain shower. \

The most important thing to remember is to have a good time, rain or shine!